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Through Hispanic Eyes:
Poetry and Photography 
​​Poetry, photographs, books and videos
Our first exhibition:
September 2023 to January 2024
Gladys Marcus Library/Fashion Institute of Technology
This project will be traveling around the US and abroad,  and will continue to promote a dialogue with musicians, artists and poets from different countries.


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In 2023-24 A group of Hispanic poets who are also professionals and amateur photographers presented their work at the Gladys Marcus Library of the Fashion Institute of Technology/SUNY. They are from Latin America and Spain. This traveling exhibition will continue expanding in the US and abroad. 
The work of each author consists of: 1 poster showing their expertise and particular approach in the area of poetry and photography; 4 photos and 4 poems; 1 quote discussing how do they see the relationship between poetry and photography in their work; and a video. Click under each author Leer más/Read More to see all this content. 
This traveling exhibition that started at FIT from September 2023 to January 2024 launched a hybrid presentation on November 28th with Celeste Alba Iris (Mexico), Manuel Araneda-Castex (Chile) and Guest Speaker  Llorenç Raich Muñoz (Spain).
​​Three bilingual videos were produced in relation to our subject and they can be seen in Youtube. Celeste Alba Iris, Llorenç Raich Muñoz and Manuel Araneda-Castex give us a variety of perspectives. As a  work-in-progress we plan to have a video made by each artist. It will depend on the generosity of individuals, private, and corporate sponsors. Through these months we will be developing a promotional video and also MMV' video that allow us to grow and expand in every direction. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. 
To see this video open a new window. Copy and paste this address:​





Echo of Voices is under the fiscal sponsorship of:



All Donations will be made through this Non-for-Profit organization (For more information, write to: echoofvoicesinternational@ 


Acknowledgments/Créditos Created and curated by Madeline Millan, in collaboration with Professor Pilar Banco-Ruiz, Department of Modern Languages & Cultures & the Gladys Marcus Library;  Department of Photography and Related Media; Department of Film and Media, our sincere gratitude goes to Dahlia Schweitzer and students of this department (Haylie Lavin, Margaret McCloskey and Luna Abreia) and to Patrick Knisley, School of Liberal Arts. Most of all,  thanks to the artist and friend Manuel Araneda-Castex for the design and management of our website; to Palma Genovese, Myrna Nieves, Mario Valero, Amy Lemmon, Elena Martínez, Hilda Mundo López and to Co-curators: William Viquez-Mora, Tiffany Galicia and Natalia Ramírez.

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Works in Alphabetical Order:

Carmen Amato (México)


Pregúntale al silencio 
Estás en el aire
que mueve los árboles,
estás en la  luz,
estás en la tarde,
en el jardín, la casa,
estás en todo
como si estuvieras,
aunque todo grite
que ya no estás.

Ask to the silence
You are in the air
that moves the trees,
you are in the light,
you are in the afternoon,
in the garden, the house,
you are in everything
as if you were,
although everything screams
that you are no longer here.


Jacqueline Herranz-Brooks (Cuba)

Fiction Awareness: Autoficción

(Pegatina en pedestal. Park Avenue, Nueva York , 2019


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Madeline Millán (Puerto Rico)




 La casa vacía


Una mujer invisible la habita 

un hombre ciego, un perro que no ladra 

pájaro mudo y araña con frío 


 Nadie los ha visto entrar por la puerta

 Ni subir por la ventana


                                                Pero en algún lugar existen





The Empty House


An invisible woman inhabits it 

A blind man, a non-barking dog 

A mute bird and a spider feeling cold

No one has seen them walk through the door

Nor climb out the window


But they exist somewhere.



​​​A/To Ming Smith



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Llorenc Raich Muñoz (Catalonia-Spain)



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Llorenc Raich Muñoz, poetic references:


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Celeste Alba Iris Rodríguez (Mexico)



Fotos de Celeste Alba Iris Rodríguez.

Photos by Celeste Alba Iris Rodríguez.




Poemas del libro de poesía Cartografía de una herida

Poems from the poetry book Cartografía de una herida. 


Maneras de sumergirnos


Las aguas tienen distintas maneras de sumergirnos en sus humedades

Uno puede ahogarse en su propia saliva

 inundar la piel de sudores

 destilarse en lágrimas


Por eso

guarda esa foto sin naufragio

sin caracoles que cuenten de otra orilla

aquella antes de hacer olas



Ways to dive


The waters have different ways of immersing us in their humidity

You can drown in your own saliva

 flood the skin with sweat

 distil in tears


That's why

save that photo no wreck

without snails that count from another shore

the one before making waves


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Pedro Serrano (Canada) 

Del libro de poesía Lo que falta

Translations by Anna Crowe

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Porque así es.

La nieve lo cubre todo,

lo desaparece.,

lo calienta en su red de moléculas tensa,

en el goterío de cristal

que desaparece.


Because that's how it is,

the snow covers everything,

makes it disappear,

warms it in its deadly soul, articulated

in it tense net of molecules,

in the drip-drip of crystal

that is vanishing


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Jacqueline Herranz-Brooks (Cuba)




Is a queer multidisciplinary author born in Havana and based in New York. Her projects merge research, documentary photography, poetry, the interpretation of soundscapes and urban interventions in multimedia installations. Jacqueline, who is interested in the process of fictionalizing and poetical personal events and in the creation of people. She has published several autofiction books including Liquid Days (Argentina, 1997), Scenes for Tourists (New York, 2003), Women without a Plot (New York, 2011) and Viaje en Almendrón (Installation book for Gallery Miller, 2015). Jacqueline's writing projects and research methods draw on the counter-

hegemonic experimental aesthetics of New York's Latino hybrid practices.



(An improvisation):


(Poetry e interpretación de sonido):

Camino en el mundo aleatorio “and welcome [others’] words to their final home”


Presentación del proyecto en otra comunidad artística:



(Proyecto autorficcional):

Contested Territory: Poesía repatriada:


(Lecturas en la oscuridad)

Espectros (Reading Series Apagones):



Project Presentatin and photos of the installation with sounds:

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Llorenc Raich Muñoz (Spain)



Professor at IEFC, Photographer, Essayist and Curator. 


A regular participant as a speaker, teacher, advisor and panel member at photography centres, institutions and festivals, as well as curating exhibitions and international photography conferences. His line of research focuses on the theory and practice of the poetic and narrative aspects embedded in the language of photography. In his work as an essayist, he has published the following works: Corpografía. El cuerpo en la fotografía contemporánea (2012), Poética fotográfica (2014),  Fotografía y motivo poético (2015), Fotografía como poesía (2018),  Sobre la imagen poética (2020), Poéticas dispersas I. Escritos sobre fotografía, 1984-2022 (2023) and Poéticas dispersas II. Correspondencia (2023).





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Celeste Alba Iris Rodríguez (Mexico)



Celeste Alba Iris is originally from Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas (1968); she lives in San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Studied Modern and Contemporary Art in Mexico (UASLP), Master in Educational Innovation (UPN), and Bachelor of Communication Sciences (UAT).bGraduated from the College of Writers of the Northern Border (SOGEM/ITC). Celeste Alba created different author projects, among them “Miradas al Fotolibro” platform and the “Los Santos días de la Poesía,” writers meeting. She had received distinctions such as: 2021 and 2019 Support Program for Teaching, Research and Dissemination of the Arts, convened by CENART. Her project: “Miradas al Fotolibro” obtained the Manuel Ramos Photography Acquisition Award in 2017 by SECULT; in 2017 Celeste Alba Iris got the Reading Square built by the Tierra y Libertad School in Madero, Tamaulipas; in 2016 Recognition of cultural merit granted by the United Forces of Tampico. In 2012, Celeste Alba did an artistic residency in Cuba, and has served as ambassador to the Parliament of Writers of Colombia since 2015. She has participated in multiple individual and collective exhibitions. Her interest is focused on the creation of mixed writings that start from the image or the transfer between literature and photography. His recurring themes are identity and memory.




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Pedro Serrano (Canada) 



Pedro Serrano (Montreal 1957) is a poet, essayist and translator. He teaches poetry and translation at UNAM. He was director of the Banff Interantional Translator Centre and Editor of Periódico de poesía de la UNAM. DefenßaS, a book on poetry and other wanderings, was published in 2014. La construcción del poeta moderno (The Construction of the Modern Poet), an essay on T.S. Eliot and Octavio Paz in 2020. With Carlos López Beltrán he published La generación del cordero (The Lamb generation) a bilingual anthology of Contemporary British Poetry. He translated William Shakespeare’s King John and Edward Hirsch’s Gabriel. A Poem.


His poems have appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation, Verse, Sirena, The Rialto, The Red Wheelbarrow, Nimrod, Bomb, and more recently on The Bitter Oleander and Another Chicago Magazine. He has been also included in the anthologies Reversible Monuments (Copper Canyon, 2002) Connecting Lines (Sarabande Books, 2006), Mexican Poetry Today 20/20 Voices (Shearsman Books, 2010), Being Human. More Real Poems for Unreal Time (Bloodaxe, 2011) and Literature. An Introduction to Fiction, poetry, drama and Writing, edited by X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. He was granted the Guggenheim fellowship for poetry in 2007 and the Prix international de poésie Antonio Viccaro, in 2016. Peatlands, translated by Anna Crowe and introduced by W.N. Herbert, was published by Arc in 2014.

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Organizers from the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

Fashion Institute of Technology/SUNY:






Madeline Millán 



Poet and short story writer, some of her poems and stories can be read in this website. Vanessa Droz commented of her fourth collection: 


“If with Leche/Milk (National Poetry Award in 2009 of PEN Club-Puerto Rico) Madeline Millán moved us with her powerful and intelligent poetry and an outstanding handling of the language that separates it from the easy and the cheesy, with Día Cero she gives us, with the same virtues, a chronicle of poetry and prose that depicts two processes—a primary infancy on the island of Puerto Rico and another transformation—as if it were another infancy—in Manhattan.

The anxiety of the voyage structures this book from the very first page until the end: travels around the planet, through the history of cinema and music, through human misery, through illuminating readings, through the intimate and domestic lives of women, especially with women poets. Día Cero is a landmark, a milestone in which space and time remain filmed. In fact, about this filmed poetry, we can say that it is both transparent and complex, always authorized. What does Millán want to approach, or better yet, what is she fleeing from? As we plunge into the pages of Día Cero, we will watch and we will feel, like with all good literature, the blind humming of poetry when it is being written, the previous instance when the pen meets the paper that the reader now has in his/her hands.”


As a film and photographer enthusiast, Millán was editor of a film magazine in the 90's; she has been preparing a book with interviews from 2022 to poets who are photographers. These and other Spanish interviews can be read in the online magazine ViceVersa. Millán is translating these interviews into English to be published in other journals:





Madeline Millán is the creator and director of Echo of Voices. In conjunction with Pilar Blanco directs “Casa Pilar,” a writers’ and artists’ residence in Chapala, Mexico.



Pilar Blanco-Ruiz


BA, Brooklyn College, City University of New York & MA, MPhil, New York University, she is a professor at the Department of Modern Languages & Cultures where she holds the position of Assistant Chair. Known for her teaching excellency, she has been the voice and the leading person within the Hispanic Community at FIT/SUNY. She is the co-director of “Casa Pilar” in Chapala, México.



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A Year Before in 2022

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Echo of Voices is back after 10 years presenting poets from around the world through bilingual readings at the legendary Cornelia Street Cafe. This venue closed in 2018, and then, COVID 19.  We had our mini festival within The New York City Poetry Festival. See



In 2022 we will launch the event Poetry and Photography with a showcase of photobooks. Our anthology Echo of Voices/Eco de Voces will be published in conjuction with three publishing houses in NYC (And Then...), Spain (De Sur a Sur), and Mexico (Flor y Canto). 



Echo de Voces regresa después de 10 años presentando a poetas de muchas partes del mundo. Las lecturas bilingües se realizaban en el legendario Cornelia Street Cafe el cual cierra en el año 2018. Luego vino el COVID 19.  En el marco de un festival en NY 


logramos un mini festival con voces predominantemente hispanas. Saldrá una antología próximamente con tres sellos editoriales (NYC: And Then...; España: De Sur a Sur; y Mexico: Flor y Canto). Para el próximo año 2023 el tema es Poesía y Fotografía con exhibición de fotolibros.  

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